Monday, November 8, 2010

Moroccan Tea

Where in the world? Morocco

Morocco is known for their tea, expecially mint and green tea.This tradition has also spread through parts of North Africa and Spain. Morocco is one of the biggest tea imports in the world and it is concidered an art form in their culture. It is usually prepaired by the male head of the family and served to guests. It is concidered impolite in their culture to refuse. It is believed to have started in the 18th century, and begain spreading rapidly in the mid 19th century. This is the time when trade with Europe and Maghreb began. It was somtimes used as a gift given by European envoys in order to release prisoners from Europe. China is their main provider of tea. An example of a traditional tea recipy is shown below.


  • 10 fresh mint sprigs, plus 4 for garnish
  • 3 teaspoons green tea
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 4 cups water


Boil water. Pour a small amount in teapot and swish around to warm the pot. Combine the mint and green tea and sugar in the teapot, then fill it with the rest of the hot water. Let tea brew, stirring the leaves once or twice, for 3 minutes. Pour tea through a tea strainer into glass teacups to serve. Garnish with remianing 4 sprigs of mint


  1. I am a big tea fan. In fact, I drink one to two cups of tea everyday. I may try this recipe later on in the week...

  2. I love tea. Especially spiced ones, I'm trying this recipe.

  3. I have tried mint tea before and its quite refreshing. I’m curious how the green tea taste like. And I never knew that Morocco is known for their tea.
