Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Irish Step Dance

Where in the world? Ireland and various other counties

Step Dancing originated in Ireland but through migration and population shifts it has spread to various parts of the world.  It has been said that the Druids were the group of people who started this dance as a religious ritual. They would honor an oak tree and sun. When the Celts went to Ireland from Europe two thousand years ago, they brought their folk dances with them. This dance is now considered to be a social dance to be preformed. Old dances are modified, and new dances may be designed. There are variations to the dances depending on where you are also. It is known for its fast leg movements and arms and legs left staying at the side of your body. Two of the many categories that the dance may divide into is the hard shoe dances and the soft shoe dances. Hard shoes used to be made of wood, but are now similar to a tap shoe. Soft shoes are more like jazz shoes. They are black lace up shoes, girls wear these whereas boys where black leather shoes called reel shoes.  Elaborate dresses are also worn throughout the dance as seen in the picture above.


  1. I always knew about this dance but not really the specifics. For instance I would have never guessed that it was a religious ritual. I always just saw it as a dance that was done at like parties or festivals. I find this dance to be really cool actually. The fast pace movements that they make must take a lot of practice!

  2. I have always known about Irish step dance and that it came from Ireland but I had no idea it was a for of religious ritual that they participated in. I have only seen this dance a couple of times and its very impressive, this was an awesome post!

  3. I never knew that this dance was started by the Druids and brought to Ireland. Ever since I saw my teacher Irish step dance for us, it made it seem so much harder than I thought it would be. I also find it interesting that there are two different categories according to the shoes.
