Monday, October 4, 2010

Burning of the Ribbons

                                                                                   Where in the world? Portugal 

Queima das Fitas is Portugal for "Burning of the Ribbons." This is a traditional festival celebrated by students. Originated from the University of Coimbra, the oldest university in Portugal, but now celebrated in many universities across the country. This takes place after graduation, in may, and each course has its own ribbon. It lasts for 8 days, one for each course. (Letters, Law, Medicine, Sciences & Technology, Pharmacy, Economics, Psychology & Education Sciences and Sports Sciences & Physical Education) This turns Coimbra into a lively city, with concerts and performances as well as a parade by the students. The parade is the thing everyone looks forward to, and spectators look forward to watching it. It is named after the fact that everyone has a narrow ribbon, which they all burn in the Old Square in the University. After this, they replace this one by a larger one they keep until they graduate.

1 comment:

  1. Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws..
    .Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws....
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
    Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws...
