Monday, October 11, 2010

Chinese Influence in Canada

Where in the world? Vancouver

            Many people do not realize the big influence of Chinese culture in Vancouver, Canada. People even used to call this area Hongcouver. This is due to the fact that there was a major migration wave in 1997. This migration wave brought wealth and prosperity to the city. The chinese came to this area after the British retook over in their towns, they came to Vancouver as a safe place to stay. These immigrants were wealthy, educated, and spoke english well. This made Vancouver change for the better since these asians wanted the best education for their kids, wanted to live in the best neighborhoods, and therefore made the city more global in the process. Many of the citizens of Vancouver were outraged by all of this. Their neighborhoods were getting distroyed to build bigger home with a more asian influence in them. Also, the best schools were getting more crowded. These controversys have been settled through the years. Has anyone ever traveled there and witnessed the chinese influence on their culture?

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1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Really?? To be honest I had no idea, that there was any chinese influence in Canada. This is really cool, to know.
    I think that sometimes we are too ignorant to realize the great influences other cultures have had in other or even our own country. Although, I have never been to Canada, I would love to got there. I have heard that it is beautiful, but very cold up there. I would most certainly love to go to Vancouver to get a chance to see the Chinese influence up there. I can already imagine what it looks like, I bet it's beautiful. Once again, that was a very interesting fact to know, and I really appreciate the fact that you talk about cultures and their influence on other countries, becuase I get a chance to learn something new everytime I look at your blog.
