Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shaker Culture

 Where in the world? The United States

           There is a group called the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, or better known as the Shakers or Shaker Quakers. They came from England in 1774. They are a religious sect that was led by Ann Lee. They rejected sexual relations (relying on adoption) and believed in Social equality among all their followers. There are few left and their numbers continue to diminish. Their culture had a big impact on music and furniture. Their furniture is durable and simple, yet elegant. To View some of this furniture visit Shaker music is very important spiritually and often follows by dance. Some of their music comes from syllables and words from unknown languages. Most of the early music is describes as being a single melodic line that doesn’t not have any harmonization. To view one of the first Shaker songs written by Elder Brackett in 1848.


  1. I learned about the Quakers in my history class this year. They seem like a very interesting group. They are very peaceful. I did not know that they had an impact on music and furniture though, but it is nice to know a little more.

  2. If they reject sexual relations completely, is a wonder their not completely wiped out by now.

  3. I'm not exactly sure if this is true but I remember my reading that they were called shakers because they physically shook due to the fact that it was really difficult to retain their sexual inactivity.
