Tuesday, October 5, 2010

St. Nick

Where in the world? Belgium

         Every year on December 6th, my family celebrates a holiday that many people don't know about. We used to live in Belgium, when I was young, where this holiday is celebrated. On the night of December 5th, children leave their shoes near the door. St. Nick (similar to Santa) comes down the chimney and leave chocolates and small gifts. Unless you are bad that year, then he leaves coal or twigs. Americans took this idea in the form of a Christmas Stocking. Many refer to St. Nick as the "Real Santa." Many can visit him in malls, where children greet him and receive a small gift. He also visits schools or clubs to ask if you have been nice during the year. Many children in America leave milk and cookies for Santa, but for this holiday, children leave something for the saints horse and often a glass of wine for the saint. Does anyone else celebrate this holiday or another that many are not aware about?

To see how other countries celebrate this holiday visit : http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=76

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend that was born in Belgium and I know she celebrates that holiday but I didn't know you would leave your shoes by the door to get chocolate and gifts. And instead of milk you would leave wine. That’s really cool.
