Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Halloween part 2

Where in the world? Ireland

It is believed that Halloween was started in Ireland. They celebrate it much like we do here in the United States. They have bonfires and children trick or treat (or sometimes called "help the Halloween party") for candy around their neighborhood at night. Then most people attend parties with neighbors or other friends. At these parties, games are played and a scavenger hunt is sometimes arranged for children. Barnbrak is a typical food around this holiday, it is a fruitcake. A treat is hidden inside the cake and brings fortune to whoever finds it. The tradition meal consists of a Boiled Potato, Curly Kale (cabbage) and a raw onion. On this night kids may also play tricks on their neighbors such as knock-a-dolly which is similar to ding dong ditch. Although some of these traditions such as trick or treating and carving pumpkins are the same, they also have a variety of different traditions unique to them.

For More Irish Halloween traditions click HERE


  1. Ireland does have similar ways of celebrating Halloween but I feel like Ireland has more or a celebration. In my years of growing up the spirit of Halloween has died down a bit from when I was little. When I was younger I would go out and buy a costume, have Halloween parties in school, decorate the house and I would get so hyped up for that one night! Now, I find something simple to dress in and maybe I'll go to a party but nothing major and it’s not as exciting as when I was little of course. In Ireland it seems like they have a bigger celebration for this holiday compared to us in America, which is pretty interesting

  2. I love Halloween, I still get anxious as the day grows closer and closer. I think it would be awesome to celebrate the holiday in Ireland, it seems like they appreciate it so much more than a lot of us do. I like how they call Trick-or-Treating "helping out the party," that made me laugh a little. Haha!
