Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

Where in the World: Mexico

Cinco de Mayo is a very important holiday for the Puebla culture. Many people have heard of this holiday but do not know exactly what it is. It literally means "Fifth of May" in Spanish. In 1862, on May 5th, the Mexican army had a victory over France. This victory was at the Battle of Puebla and was unlikely. This celebration is mainly celebrated in Puebla, and the United States as well as some other country's. It is celebrated with food, music, and dancing. Mexicans do not find this a significant event in their history worth celebrating. This holiday is often confused with Mexico's most important holiday, their Independence Day, but they are very different. This battle was with 4,000 Mexicans led by General Ignacio Zaragoza fighting against 8,000 French led by Napoleon III that had not been defeated for 50 years. Also, it is important to us because since this battle no European army has invaded the United States.

Watch this Education Video on the real significance of Cinco de Mayo. (:

1 comment:

  1. Everyone believes that this holiday is Mexican Independence day but its not. This holiday is just to celebrate their amazing victory over the French. Though the French ended up defeating the Mexican a year later, this battle still represented that any nation thought invincible can still fall.
