Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Where in the world? Japan 

       A Geisha is a Japanese women who entertain and preform classical dance and music. They preform these Japanese arts at various banquets. Girls who want to become a geisha go through vigorous apprenticeship. During this time they learn the traditions such as playing instruments, singing, dancing, and social skills. Usually, Geisha's came from poor families and were brought in to be trained and raised. But today, it is a choice that can be made by girls in Japan. Geisha's are dressed in a traditional Kimono and paint their faces to be very pale. If you are visiting, you will be able to find these in places such as Gion, Pontocho, or Kanazawa. These are all located in Higashi's Geisha District. They can still be found today, although they are becoming less common. But they were even more popular in the 18 and 19 century's. This tradition evolved from a tradition similar to court jesters. At first, they were all male, but now they are mostly female and male Geisha's are very rare. One common misunderstanding about Geisha's are that some say they are prostitutes because some entertain men behind closeddoors. They are not however, although some might do so if they wish, it is not part of their profession.

Do you have any traditions or cultures that you would like to know more about? Comment it below. (:

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is really interesting because I remeber when I was younger I would watch cartoons or movies and see these japanese women dancing with their faces painted pale. But I never knew what they were called and I never know so much detail about them. It is nice to know about other cultures especially the ones you have seen just have no idea about them.
