Friday, September 10, 2010

Spain Bullfigting

Where in the world? Spain

For many, bull fighting comes to mind when they think of Spain traditions. Although bull fighting can be found in other places such as Portugal. Bull fighting can be traced back to 711 A.D! That is when the first fight took place to celebrate the crowning of King Alfonzo VIII. Before 1724, this sport originated on horses for the aristocrats, the King felt it was a bad example for the public and therefore banned the practice. They switched to bulls because they were easier to afford, horses were too expensive for them. Bulls are released into an arena. Then a matador (the top bullfighters) lets his assistant wave a brightly colored cloth to make the bull run. If he likes the bulls mood he takes over and does it himself. If the matador shows its authority, the bull may be killed to end the fight. Today, bullfighting is a big business but is not starting to be banned in some places. It is a show, and supposedly shows the matadors courage. The matador is rewarded with trophies and courage.

Want to learn more? Check out these interesting articles and watch this video on a bullfighting school.


  1. Wow! I was shocked to believe how far back bull fighting went. It dates back all the way to 711 A.D.! Too originate with horses and then change over to using bulls would have been a drastic difference. Bulls are much stronger and fiercer animals that don’t let too much get in their way. Now to be a bull fighter you would have to have some real guts. Being out their everyday, risking your life just for purely entertainment purposes is really quite amazing. I never really knew the exact rules of the sport until now, and it’s pretty interesting. I find it sad though that a lot of the bulls are killed by the end of the day if the matador shows its authority, in order to end the fight. All in all it is a very interesting topic, so thanks for filling me in.

  2. Personally I’m completely against bullfighting, it’s totally unfair for the bull, and I heard they are stabbed multiple times before even entering the arena. This reminds me of a scene near the end of the movie “Gladiator” where the king did the same thing to his opponent before going into combat. Completely unfair.
    I’m no vegetarian, but to kill and torture an animal for mere sport just sickens me, at least when you eat the meat it serves some kind of important purpose while bullfighting is just a pointless massacre.
    The idea of some “matador” dressed in fancy clothes and being praised as a hero by crowds when the beautiful animal that is the bull lies bloody, miserably on the ground. And the people that pay to get into the shows.
    And then the bull tries to defend itself (I heard ones one bull actually tried to flee) and in the process inevitably hurt this “Matador” the bull is killed. Why are they not praised like their human competitors? No matter what they do, when they are selected to compete in a fight they are doomed to turture weather he puts a fight or not.

  3. First, I want to say that I was really surprised to see how far back bull fighting dates. I also want to point out the fact that this event is considered a sport. Honestly, I don't see how this can be a sport. I think bull fighting is more like a death sentence which is performed at a death arena. I think bull fighting should be an illegal event for the following reasons. first of all, I think that no one has the right to torture and kill an innocent animal, just to satisfy a crowd of ignorance, and to prove yourself to be "tough." Also, sometimes not only the bull ends up hurt or dead, but also the "matador." Last but no least, this event can be seen by anyone, even kids, and all this is doing for them is inculcating into their brains the idea of killing innocent animals just for fun. As you can see bull fighting, is not a sport, and definitely not a fair one. I mean how would you like to be the in the bull's place and get tortured while thousands of people just watch you, and enjoy every second of it.

  4. I have always wanted to go see a bull fight. Its a totally different cultures to experience. I also had no idea that it never started out with bulls, it began with horses and stopped and switched to bulls so it can be less money. The thought of the bull dying is sad, but the people who are brought up that way don't see anything wrong with that.

  5. I never knew all of this stuff about bull fighting! I would have never guessed that it went back all the way to 711 A.D. I don't fully understand the point of killing the bulls after wards but I guess that's just how it works. The thought of them using horses at first just sounds crazy! Horses seem much weaker and willing to fight than bulls. I definitely wouldn't consider bullfighting to be a sport. Are there certain rules?Or judges? I cannot imagine that they are getting trophies for proving themselves "tough".
