Friday, September 3, 2010

Ethiopian Wedding Practices

Where in the world? : Ethiopia

            International weddings might seem strange to us, but normal to people who live in that area. Many brides marry at a young age, but their groom must be at least 30 for her to be eligible to marry him. Their marriages are arranged, the grooms parents are responsible for finding their son a bride. Once they have investigated the bride, and made sure she is not related to their son, they contact the brides parents to ask if there can be a marriage between their children. The two are considered engaged if their parents work out an agreement. There is much dancing and celebrating at the wedding, in addition to the groom getting cattle and money from the brides parents. The groom must then stay at the brides family's house for their "honeymoon". In that time he must take the brides virginity. Wedding traditions that seem normal to us, vary around the world.


  1. This is really interesting to me. I always hear about cultures who have arranged marriages and so many different questions pop up in my head. It just really fascinates me.What if these tradition was popular all over the world! I can't picture myself being in an arranged marriage at all. Can you imagine marrying a man that you don't even like? Oh gosh!

  2. I definitely wouldn't want to have an arranged marriage. I've heard of cases in where the couple ends up loving each as if they had picked their spouses, not their parents.

  3. The whole arranged marriage situation seems so different to me because we come from a place where you hardly ever see something like this. I know I would never want my parents to set up my marriage.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if the chick's parent's just wait in front of her room all night to check If she's lost her virginity yet, I personally think some cultures are legitimately retarded as in delayed, clearing things up just in case Sarah Palin's reading this but anyway these primitive cultures make me sick and of course we're a totally different society in that sense and who are we to judge but how about the fact that they still perform female genital cutting in most Muslim countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia. Consequences can include severe complications with pregnancy, childbirth and sexual dysfunction.
