Friday, September 10, 2010

El Salvador traditional dance

Where in the world? El Salvador.

I picked El Salvador as my next location because I have recently learned that this is where my boyfriends mom grew up. His grandmother still lives there and I wanted to learn more about their culture. I was very happy when I found that dance is very important in their culture, because I am a dancer and very interested in the topic. They have many dances, including The Dance of the Chapetones. This waltz is from the town of Panchimalco. This involves 12 men in tuxedos and one women dressed as the "queen." This dance imitates manners of the Spaniards and makes fun of them. One of the oldest dances is the Dance of the Tiger, from the town of Izalco. This dance represents a tiger hunt, one person dressed up as a tiger, covered with its skins and a mask. Eight of the other dancers dress to be hunters pretend to hunt down the tiger through dance. These dances are very interesting because they tell a story.

 Click HERE for a full list of traditional dances from El Salvador.

Do you have any ideas on a topic you'd like to know more about. Comment are welcome below (:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine, I might be 11 years late to this post but where and how was the dance made from
