Saturday, September 18, 2010

Self Mummification

Where in the world? North Japan
Have you ever heard of a Sokushinbutsu? I certainly hadn't until I read an interesting article. They are Buddhist monks or priests who had caused their own deaths by being mummified. Yes, this does mean they mummified themselves while they were still alive. This practice took place in Northern Japan, and between 16-24 such occurrences have been discovered.This was practiced in the past around 1000 years ago. (Although a recent example of this was found in Tokyo in 2010!) To start this process the monk, for three straight years, would eat only nuts and seeds, while vigorously working out. This helped them loose excess body fat completely. Then for another three years they only ate bark and roots, as well as drinking tea that was poisonous. This caused vomiting and loss of bodily fluids. It also killed any maggots that might cause the body to decay after death. This was very important to them. Then the monk would lock himself in a tomb made of stone. He would have to stay in a lotus position due to the fact that the tomb was very small. He did have an air tube and bell to connect with the outside world to communicate. He would ring the bell if he was still alive, and if he wasn't someone would remove the air tube and seal the tomb. This process might take someone 10 years to complete. This may seem weird to us, but it seemed very normal to them.

If you would like, visit this website to see various pictures of self mummified monks.


  1. I find this blog very interesting because I am able to learn things I have never heard of before. Like this blog posting, I found this completely bizarre. But like you said, to them this was completely normal and is a part of their culture. So it is good to learn of all thse different views and things that happen in the world.

    1. Hi Coco, I replied to you approximately 11 years later

  2. but when you're mummified don't they have to remove organs and wrap you up for the after life? I guess it's the same concept, this is really cool, It seems like a very diligent process I wonder If I would be able to starve myself and cause my own death.

  3. That’s so Crazy! It’s amazing how there are so many cultures out there and different beliefs. I wouldn’t do that or even think about doing that. That must go under the category of torture.

  4. Can I put my balls in yo jaws, oh yeah, balls in yo jaws
